78 x NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 graphics cards mining crypto: should be making around $12,840 per month in ETH mining alone. You might be finding it impossible to buy a GeForce RTX 3080 graphics card worldwide right now, but crypto miners have their hands-on a lot of them — and this crypto miner has 78 x GeForce RTX 3080 graphics cards for a huge ETH mine.
Recent reports tell us that recently, a man from Las Vegas named Simon Byrne acquired almost 80 Nvidia RTX 3080 graphics cards to build the ultimate crypto-mining rig. Byrne named “Berta 2” (“Berta” was Byrne’s first crypto-mining rig).
The setup also uses numerous GeForce GTX 1080 Ti cards (a combined total of 143 GPUs) apart from the RTX 3080 cards. The man spent over $100,000, so if we approximately calculate the price of each RTX 3080 card to be $699, to successfully set up the rig.
It may seem a huge investment for all but Byrne reported that he got the return on his initial capital after only two months of mining. He is earning almost $900 (~Rs. 66,000) a day, which means $27,000 (~Rs. 19,79,910) a month.
Featured Image Courtesy: Beebom.com
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